Due to the persistent verbal diarrhoea and exuberantly witty comments (I must confess, so dexterously complex in their execution a hopeless mind like mine can barely fathom them) made by certain e-presences, I have, like many other poetry bloggers, decided to switch on comment moderation. As a result, comments will take a while to appear after they have been posted. This isn't because I think my inconsequential little corner of the internet precious, and nor do I want to avoid criticism where it's due (which is pretty much anywhere really). It's just that I'm a complete spoilsport, and can't be arsed with reading through seemingly pointless ramblings (again, I realise here that they must operate on an intellectual level well above my station) or dubious criticism of poems that consists of the same lengthy rewrites pitched somewhere between the supposedly suggestive (muddled, clunky syntax, deleted verbs) and the mindblowingly hilarious. Hell knows some of my poems need fixing, but as mask after mask falls to the floor you realise that some people just take the internet too far.
poet | critic | writer